Thursday, September 4, 2008

Estelle sales plummet after removing album from iTunes

From The Urban Daily:

Estelle’s album sales have pretty much dropped to non-existent status after Warner’s greedy little hands yanked the R&B singer’s latest album, Shine, off iTunes in the U.S. reports that the record label chose to pull the album off iTunes to force fans to buy the album in stores because it makes the company more money. Apparently Warner didn’t get the memo that no one buys CDs anymore. Since, the album has dropped from number 38 to number 159 in the US Billboard albums chart and her hit single ‘American Boy’ dropped from number 11 to number 37 in the singles chart.

The record labels still don’t get it: Being greedy selfish bastards is just not working anymore.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

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