Ben Folds has the pop-friendly, hook-driven piano ballads that I've always felt would fit well on a hip-hop track (imagine "Brick" on loop with a deep bass line? Damn!).
Props to Novel for producing this sample of my favorite Folds song, "The Luckiest." Shout-out to Ike.
Colin made a name for himself with his "Flashing Lights" cover, as well as his U2 cover a few months later. DDoff Daily fave Wale joins him for this remix to his latest single.
Colin Munroe - Will I Stay (Remix feat. Wale and Dallas Austin) [click to download]
I'm off to Vegas (staying up there), then Texas, for some good times and good grub. Wishing everybody a good week, I probably won't be posting much for the next ten days...!
Who would've ever dreamed this band would eventually end up on a popular children's TV show...what a long strange trip it's been for the legendary Roots crew.
Hev done flipped the switch and made a reggae album. And let me tell you, shit is legit!
On the real, Hev has been nothing but nice about promoting this album to big ups to my boy for putting out some long-awaited quality material. Go cop the album here, you won't regret it.
The first single off Venom, due before the end of the year but probably delayed 'til 2K9.
Does this dude put out anything you DON'T like? Ultimate Victory was THE most underrated album of 2007, let's hope Cham gets some shine this time around.